May 1, Labor Day. Of all the timings in the world, it’s the wrong timing last night. A brief moment of electricity blackout in Sagada, my eyeglasses fell of, I idiotically tripped on it and alas one of the eyeglasses shattered into pieces! I can’t see. After almost 4 months on the road, my specs has to bade me goodbye.
I was planning to go on camping at Lake Danum as I was persuaded by Manang Gray (owner of Alibama Inn) to go on camping and get in touch (literally) with nature, join a bonfire, sleep in a tent, and the works, you know. But…
Sagada doesn’t have an optical and I have to either go to Baguio or Bontoc, the latter would be more reasonable, it’s near BUT, it’s a holiday.
I’ll take my chance, fate’s been unkind though, may be last night’s incident was telling me something, something that isn’t right, at least that was what my sister told me on the phone “Don’t you get it, something not right might happen.” I hate it when she does that, and all those “I told you so” remarks that she always, I mean always say. It doesn’t help. In fact, it’s one of those phrases that top the list of “I don’t need to hear that” advises. It’s not even an advise, right?
Well, I’ve to
heed the warning, not hers. In any case,
it would be a disaster without my eyeglasses, I’ll be half blind.
I reached Bontoc after 45 minutes on a jeepney ride. I passed by here on my way to Sagada, probably twice and never had the chance to look around. The two optical shops in town are both close, owners went to Manila and so I’ve to wait for the optician until tomorrow and no other choice but to spend the night in Bontoc.
tomorrow would be alright.
Address: Bontoc,
Mountain Province, Philippines
Map Direction: Bontoc, Mountain Province
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